27. =====Lupanar (2002)===== electroacoustic music; computer-generated recording.\\ {{ :incandescence.jpg}} \\ **Duration:** 14' 31''\\ **Channels:** 2 \\ \\ I first concocted these machine-instruments as "supporting actors" for one of the scenes of my radiophonic opera [[karadioopera | KA]] but, down the road, the musical possibilities of those click-clacking-screaming monsters seemed so promising - and they were so under-utilized in KA, just like some pauper petty hirelings - that I couldn't help but to give them a title role in a "movie" of their own. So here they are in all their bizarre splendor. Enjoy!\\ \\ This work has been included in the [[http://www.emcollective.org | Electric Music Collective]] CD [[http://www.amazon.com/Incandescence-Marcus-Bittencourt/dp/B0000CA023 | Incandescence]] of 2003. ---- **recording:**\\ | {{:mp3s:lupanar.mp3}} | \\