38. =====Missa Sancti Georgii de Cappadocia (2011-2015)===== electroacoustic music; computer-generated recording.\\ \\ {{ :saintgeorge.jpg}} Acousmatic microtonal Mass in five parts with a script in Latin, Classical Greek and Romanian\\ **Duration:** 1h 20'\\ **Channels:** 6 (concert version); 2 (radiophonic version)\\ ---- This work is a microtonal acousmatic Mass dedicated to Saint George, with a script prepared by the composer himself based on the traditional Tridentine Mass in Latin. The composition of this work required several years of work, and its preparation included huge tasks that ranged from the conception of the very script and the collection and recording of all the sounds used in the piece, to the creation of its microtonal system, its structural design and its spatialization design, which asked for the development of a kind of a counterpoint of virtual loudspeakers and perceptions of space. The work is way far from being religiously orthodox: the script contains readings from the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas, a homily by Baruch Spinoza, and it contains special Latin translations prepared by Dr. Aécio Flávio de Carvalho, including the notorious Brazilian prayer to Saint George:\\ \\ Armis Sancti Georgii inductusque accinctus ambulabo\\ ne inimici etiamsi pedes habentes mei me assequantur\\ habentes manus eorum ne capiant mihi\\ ac oculi eorum ne videant me\\ neque eorum consilia mala mihi afficiant.\\ Corpus non vulnerabunt meum arma ignivoma,\\ frangentur si cultres aut hasta corpus attingant meum,\\ rumpantur vinculaque catenae si membra mea arripiunt.\\ //(latin translation: Dr. Aécio Flávio de Carvalho)// \\ \\ ---- **Recordings:**\\ | **Prima Pars: RITUS INITIALES** | {{ :mp3s:MissaSanctiGeorgii_1.mp3}} | | **Secunda Pars: LITURGIA VERBI** | {{ :mp3s:MissaSanctiGeorgii_2.mp3}} | | **Tertia Pars: CREDO** | {{ :mp3s:MissaSanctiGeorgii_3.mp3}} | | **Quarta Pars: LITURGIA EUCHARISTICA** | {{ :mp3s:MissaSanctiGeorgii_4.mp3}} | | **Quinta Pars: RITUS CONCLUSIONIS** | {{ :mp3s:MissaSanctiGeorgii_5.mp3}} | \\