23. =====A Mobile (2000)===== a cycle of 10 pieces for solo violin. \\ {{ :ummobile.png}} \\ In ten vignettes, two weeks of the intimacy of a lonely person, the sole master of a deserted nation, declaimed by a lonely instrument: some readings by Mário de Andrade, cryptic messages drifting afloat on a proverbial sea, a stroll in the park, and three failed trials of self-portraiting at the shadow of an angel-like figure. As a motto, Mayakovski:\\ \\ I raised it like a strong man,\\ carried it like an acrobat.\\ So I called out:\\ "Here it is! Here! Take it!"\\ The ladies shied away from me\\ like a rocket:\\ "We'd prefer something smaller;\\ we'd rather have a tango ..."\\ I cannot bear the burden - but I bear it.\\ I should like to throw it down - but I know\\ I shall not throw it down!\\ My ribs' staves will not stand the thrust.\\ The cage of the chest cracks under the strain.\\ \\ //Vladimir Mayakovski (1893-1930)//\\ \\ ---- **List of Pieces:**\\ \\ I. Estandarte (Banner)\\ II. Telegrama no. 1 (Telegram no. 1)\\ III. Arboreto (Arboretum)\\ IV. Losango Cáqui (Khaki Lozenge)\\ V. Telegrama no. 2 (Telegram no. 2)\\ VI. Primeiro Espelho (First Mirror)\\ VII. Second Espelho (Second Mirror)\\ VIII. Trezentos e Cinquenta (Three Hundred and Fifty)\\ IX. Figura Alada (Winged Figure)\\ X. Espelho Último (Last Mirror)\\ ---- \\ | **score:**[[this>lib/exe/fetch.php?media=pdfs:mobile.pdf|{{ :pdficon.gif}}]] | **recording:** {{ :mp3s:UmMobileSimona.mp3 }} | Violin: //Simona Cavuoto// \\