composer, pianist, music theorist


Two Christmas Carols (2014)

for choir (female, youth, or mixed voices).

I) Hodie Christus Natus Est
II) Veni, Veni Emmanuel

These Christmas carols, which quench the thirst I had for a while to compose Christmas songs in Latin from Gregorian chants, have parts for two sopranos and two contraltos, but male voices can also be added, singing in unison the part of the second contralto one octave lower.
The first carol in this collection uses “Hodie Christus Natus Est”, a chant of medieval origin collected inside a 19th-century Roman Antiphonarium. The second carol plays with the song “Veni, veni Emmanuel”, which is very well known, with a 15th-century melody and 12th-century lyrics. The collection is dedicated to my colleague Paulo Lopes, which patiently and kindly taught the first carol to the youth choir he directs.


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